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Vocalisation of Balinese kerumpung cooperative drum motifs - A.A. Gd Adhi Krisna Diatmiua
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Most Balinese drum rhythms are played by a pair of musicians working cooperatively. They alternate their strokes to form an elaborate and tightly woven composite pattern. Each drummer contributes a musical line that is interdependent with the other, but never coincides, even at very fast tempos. Balinese music is renowned for these interlocking motifs, called kotekan.
Drummers may learn rhythms first by vocal imitation. Here, musician Gung Adhi sings a slow pattern usually played across two kerumpung drums. This has been selected from the repertoire of gamelan pelegongan, an orchestra used to accompany the famous Legong dance.
Vocalisation of Balinese kerumpung cooperative drum motifs
Instrumentation: solo voice
Musician: A.A. Gd Adhi Krisna Diatmiua
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