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pola motif Occupation 1 final_colour adjusted.jpg
This ornamental cloth from Pekalongan is a heady mix of influences. It is a sample of Batik Hokokai, made to appeal to Japanese tastes during their occupation of Indonesia (1942–45).
The floral mosaic is a contemporary Javanese ceplokan pattern featuring Japanese sakura (cherry blossoms) overlaid with European bouquets. It showcases a classic tumpal border of triangles and a Dutch-inspired floral ‘lace’ edging.
The lasting impression of this batik is its pretty aesthetic, which belies the serious political events that led to its design. It is a decorative relic of Java’s last colonial batik: an occupation decoration.
Selendang – shoulder cloth, batik tulis (silk, synthetic dyes), Pekalongan, north coast of Central Java
Kindly lent by Kadar and Anton Lucas
pola motif AESTHETIC section as installed_photo by
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